by Philip Jamieson

Suitable for Grade 1

Stage directions

Kit is describing to an aunt what happened when a friend’s scooter went missing.



So, Auntie, You know my friend Hattie who lives next-door? We’ve been friends for years, and yesterday, she was given a brand new scooter for her birthday, with big black wheels and bright shiny blue handlebars. She was so excited when she got it. And I was so excited for her because it meant we could go out on our scooters and ride around the park near our homes. 

But yesterday when I went out on my scooter to look for Hattie, I could see her wandering around looking very upset. She’d lost her scooter! She’d taken it for a ride first thing in the morning and then, in the blink of an eye, it had gone.

Hattie was a bit too upset to tell me much, but she did say she’d quickly gone inside to fetch her little blue hat because the sun was quite strong outside. But when she went back out it was gone! Hattie was convinced it was stolen. Who would do such a thing? 

Hints & tips

  • This monologue is ideal for Grade 1 exams – but can also be used at other levels.
  • The character Kit can be male or female
  • Act out the scene as if you are talking to your Aunt – but is she really listening?
  • You can put on different voices when describing what the various people said.
  • You may use two chairs – one for yourself and one for your imaginary Aunt. Or you can do the whole performance standing or even while walking along.