
Don’t make a DRAMA out of your ACTING!

Did you know that our new pieces for Trinity’s ACTING exams are also perfect for DRAMA exams? Find out how…

Whether you do Trinity’s Acting exams or Speech & Drama exams, many of the requirements up to grade 3 are exactly the same and you can use much of our new material to provide some fresh new pieces for your students. In addition we have some fantastic hints, tips, advice and ideas to help reinvigorate your teaching.

Here is a comparison of the requirements for Trinity’s Acting exams and Speech & Drama exams from 2023…

As you can see, MONOLOGUES and MIME can be included in either exam from Grades 1 – 3. And ALL students take part on the REFLECTION at the end. 

So why monologues?

Monologues are great little self contained solo plays which students love performing. There are lots to chose from in our new collection with themes ranging from animals, collecting things and moving schools for the early grades.

By grade 3 the themes become more demanding with issues such as trust and friendship and with greater emotional depth.

Mary Ann Tear

I highly recommend you explore this material whether as a teacher, parent or potential student. As well as developing the skills you need you will also HAVE FUN at the same time! I assure you that a quickglance will become much more…

Mary Ann Tear Trinity College London Examiner and Consultant, BIFF Adjudicator, Educator, Performer, Director and Choreographer

But most importantly they are designed to exactly match the requirements and expectations for each grade – in length, content and suitability. 

And dont’ forget our introductory offer…

Introductory offer

Have you been ACTING UP this Holiday?

Our new collection of materials has just got bigger with the addition of 24 FREE videos giving you some great ideas to help you develop a performance with Distinction! 

People are already downloading our brand new pieces for acting (and drama) exams from Trinity College London up to Grade 3. On our website you can click on any of the monologues and duologues to:

  • View an Excerpt.
  • Study the Stage Directions.
  • Discover some valuable Hints & Tips.
  • And now also view FREE Videos…

All this will really help you understand the pieces so you can choose the best one for you.

Remember – these monologues are suitable for either the Trinity Acting or Drama exams where the requirements for this aspect of the exam are the same.

And there’s lots more…
There’s loads of FREE STUFF on the website to support Mime, Character Development and the final Reflection part of the exam – so you can be really prepared and confident – but also Have Fun!

In January, Director of Revolution Arts, Nicholas Keyworth, will be offering an online Exam Consultation Package to help you to:

Introductory offer
  • develop your acting skills
  • select the best material for you
  • get video feedback on progress
  • make sure your exams are on track.

And don’t forget our introductory offer…

‘There is something for everyone in this fantastic collection which will keep you and your friends entertained for hours – and give you all the tools you need to make a success of a Trinity exam.’

Nicholas Keyworth,  Director of Revolution Arts and former Chief Examiner at Trinity College London

Acting consultation package

Time to Act Up!

Explore our new collection of materials to help you prepare for your Trinity College London acting exam.

Revolution Arts has commissioned 24 brand new monologues and duologues for the acting exams from Trinity College London up to Grade 3 and everything you need to get started is on our website.

For every monologue and duologue, you can view an Excerpt, read the Stage Directions, discover valuable Hints and Tips, and buy a digital download of the ones you like.

Acting materials

Commissioned from writer, teacher and director, Philip Jamieson, these wonderful stories are about things such as Seeing Pictures in the Clouds, Drinking Mango Smoothies with your friends, Meeting Aliens in the Park and Camping in the Woods.

‘There is something for everyone in this fantastic collection which will keep you and your friends entertained for hours – and give you all the tools you need to make a success of a Trinity exam.’

Nicholas Keyworth, Director of Revolution Arts and former Chief Examiner at Trinity College London
Introductory offer

And there’s lots more…

You can get lots of great advice on how to prepare for the exams, where to get more help, and how to really understand what these exams are all about.

We’ve also included loads of FREE STUFF on the website to support Mime, Character Development and the final Relection part of the exam – so you can be really prepared and confident – but also HAVE FUN!

Director of Revolution Arts, Nicholas Keyworth, is so excited about this new project that he will shortly be offering online EXAM CONSULTATION PACKAGE to help you to:

  • develop your acting skills
  • select the best material for you
  • get video feedback on progress
  • make sure your exams are on track.

More information soon...