
Don’t make a DRAMA out of your ACTING!

Did you know that our new pieces for Trinity’s ACTING exams are also perfect for DRAMA exams? Find out how…

Whether you do Trinity’s Acting exams or Speech & Drama exams, many of the requirements up to grade 3 are exactly the same and you can use much of our new material to provide some fresh new pieces for your students. In addition we have some fantastic hints, tips, advice and ideas to help reinvigorate your teaching.

Here is a comparison of the requirements for Trinity’s Acting exams and Speech & Drama exams from 2023…

As you can see, MONOLOGUES and MIME can be included in either exam from Grades 1 – 3. And ALL students take part on the REFLECTION at the end. 

So why monologues?

Monologues are great little self contained solo plays which students love performing. There are lots to chose from in our new collection with themes ranging from animals, collecting things and moving schools for the early grades.

By grade 3 the themes become more demanding with issues such as trust and friendship and with greater emotional depth.

Mary Ann Tear

I highly recommend you explore this material whether as a teacher, parent or potential student. As well as developing the skills you need you will also HAVE FUN at the same time! I assure you that a quickglance will become much more…

Mary Ann Tear Trinity College London Examiner and Consultant, BIFF Adjudicator, Educator, Performer, Director and Choreographer

But most importantly they are designed to exactly match the requirements and expectations for each grade – in length, content and suitability. 

And dont’ forget our introductory offer…

Introductory offer

Have you been ACTING UP this Holiday?

Our new collection of materials has just got bigger with the addition of 24 FREE videos giving you some great ideas to help you develop a performance with Distinction! 

People are already downloading our brand new pieces for acting (and drama) exams from Trinity College London up to Grade 3. On our website you can click on any of the monologues and duologues to:

  • View an Excerpt.
  • Study the Stage Directions.
  • Discover some valuable Hints & Tips.
  • And now also view FREE Videos…

All this will really help you understand the pieces so you can choose the best one for you.

Remember – these monologues are suitable for either the Trinity Acting or Drama exams where the requirements for this aspect of the exam are the same.

And there’s lots more…
There’s loads of FREE STUFF on the website to support Mime, Character Development and the final Reflection part of the exam – so you can be really prepared and confident – but also Have Fun!

In January, Director of Revolution Arts, Nicholas Keyworth, will be offering an online Exam Consultation Package to help you to:

Introductory offer
  • develop your acting skills
  • select the best material for you
  • get video feedback on progress
  • make sure your exams are on track.

And don’t forget our introductory offer…

‘There is something for everyone in this fantastic collection which will keep you and your friends entertained for hours – and give you all the tools you need to make a success of a Trinity exam.’

Nicholas Keyworth,  Director of Revolution Arts and former Chief Examiner at Trinity College London

Acting consultation package

Time to Act Up!

Explore our new collection of materials to help you prepare for your Trinity College London acting exam.

Revolution Arts has commissioned 24 brand new monologues and duologues for the acting exams from Trinity College London up to Grade 3 and everything you need to get started is on our website.

For every monologue and duologue, you can view an Excerpt, read the Stage Directions, discover valuable Hints and Tips, and buy a digital download of the ones you like.

Acting materials

Commissioned from writer, teacher and director, Philip Jamieson, these wonderful stories are about things such as Seeing Pictures in the Clouds, Drinking Mango Smoothies with your friends, Meeting Aliens in the Park and Camping in the Woods.

‘There is something for everyone in this fantastic collection which will keep you and your friends entertained for hours – and give you all the tools you need to make a success of a Trinity exam.’

Nicholas Keyworth, Director of Revolution Arts and former Chief Examiner at Trinity College London
Introductory offer

And there’s lots more…

You can get lots of great advice on how to prepare for the exams, where to get more help, and how to really understand what these exams are all about.

We’ve also included loads of FREE STUFF on the website to support Mime, Character Development and the final Relection part of the exam – so you can be really prepared and confident – but also HAVE FUN!

Director of Revolution Arts, Nicholas Keyworth, is so excited about this new project that he will shortly be offering online EXAM CONSULTATION PACKAGE to help you to:

  • develop your acting skills
  • select the best material for you
  • get video feedback on progress
  • make sure your exams are on track.

More information soon...

Mobile phone

Why not for profits must grasp digital transformation – and fast

There has probably never been a more important time for the not for profit sector to embrace digitisation in its working practices. After all, a failure to do so has led to the extinction of many well-known commercial brands with much larger balance sheets. Indeed, there is no evidence to suggest that the not-for-profit sector will enjoy any form of immunity from such an Armageddon.

Anyone born before around 1995 will have fond memories of popping out on a Saturday night to their local Blockbuster store to pick up a VHS rental. Not long after it was founded in 1985, the video rental company became an internationally renowned brand. In 2004 it was at the peak of its success, employing 84,300 people worldwide in more than 9,000 stores.

But by the late 2000s I recall going into my local Blockbuster store less and less. And when I did, it felt stuck in a time warp. Not only were you limited to the selection on the shelves but, queuing up to pay for your rental, you would find yourself trying to remember your account password, having not used it for so long!


By 2010 Blockbuster had filed for bankruptcy. Just six years after its peak, this goliath of a brand was slain by the power of the start-up rival Netflix, which had the foresight to bring video-on-demand digital services into the world. Its older rival was unable to keep up and its own digital redevelopment came too late in the day.

How ironic that 10 years earlier Reed Hastings, Netflix’s founder, had approached Blockbuster with an offer to sell his company for $50 million. John Antioco, the Blockbuster CEO, was not interested in the offer because he thought it was a “very small niche business” and it was losing money at the time.

Competitive edge

It needs no preamble to say that we live in an increasingly competitive digital-facing market. People’s time and money have to be hard-fought over. Getting heard over the noise is more challenging. To compound this, none of our organisations have a given right to exist; we have to fight for it. We have to be willing to adapt to what our audience wants. After all, they no longer operate from 9 ’till 5, so why are we?

A failure to fulfil audience needs at the right time will certainly lead to their disappointment, but could ultimately spell the end for you.

I do not believe there is any harm in having a competitive streak in the not for profit sector. After all, having a little fear that you might not come out on top can give you that added strength deep down to get over the finish line. With that in mind, is it not worth considering what it would take for someone else to do what we do – only better, more efficiently, so as to be more in line with the habits of our audience?

How we can transform

If we open ourselves up to digital-focused organisational transformation we can begin to realise the possibilities ahead. Two things are essential here: a strategy and the will to act fast. Run without the former and you will fall at the first hurdle, engage yourself without the latter and you will be walking in the 100m sprint.

A successful strategy must first identify your organisation’s strengths and the clear quantitative and qualitative objectives which will propel you to where you want to be. This will enable us all to understand the clear benefits of taking action. It’s the why we are doing it that matters. Communicating this to all employees and volunteers from the top will ensure no part of the organisation is left behind.

There are further pitfalls to overcome, however. Too often organisations can fall into one of two traps, or worse, both. Either they wallow in strategies and plans, with each party unwilling to make the first move, or the same state of paralysis is reached by teams being unable to break out of their silos, bogged down by existing corporate structures and business-as-usual.

To free your organisation from the rigid nature of doing things a certain way because “that’s how it has always been done”, there must be a willingness to operate with a two-speed architecture. Business-as-usual can remain unaffected and more risk-sensitive elements of the organisation can be protected. At the same time a more agile core team can deliver big projects, quickly, given the right mix of digital talent and the authority to act.

It is only with this heady mix of great strategic alignment and masterful agility that well-established organisations can navigate the increasingly tricky path to success in the digital world we now all inhabit.

Michael Wilkinson is director at Revolution Arts and a digital strategist who has worked on transformation projects with companies including the Daily Telegraph, the Liberal Democrats and currently CLIC Sargent.

Find out more about how we can help your organisation

Bath Recitals

How online box office boosted ticket sales by 48% for Bath Recitals in just six months


Bath Recitals was founded in 1981 as a charity to assist young classical musicians newly graduated from the leading academies in obtaining platforms for performances in some of the most attractive venues in Bath including the Pump Room and the Old Theatre Royal. Many of the musicians it has assisted in their early careers have gone on to great success both at national and international levels. When the foundation artistic director retired after 34 years, Revolution Arts was called in to assist with a major redevelopment project.

How we helped

David Gregory, chairman of Bath Recitals, writes about his experience with Revolution Arts:

“Revolution Arts has assisted our organisation in various ways during this period of transition: by providing artistic direction with the help of Nicholas Keyworth who has many years of experience in this field, by marketing advice and by promotional assistance. In six months our ticket sales improved by 48%.

Revolution Arts set up a new website and have maintained it with news stories, photos and videos. There is also a new facility for ticket purchases on line. They have also developed new designs and obtained sponsorship with a printing company which has kept costs of developing a new image to a minimum. New and effective marketing including Facebook and magazine editorial have been developed by RA’s Michael Wilkinson whose career in journalism has enabled him to advise with great effectiveness where our limited budget can most effectively be spent.

Our print and on line mailings have been much improved and presentation of the concerts at the historic venues has been enhanced. Audience building and development have been increasingly successful

There has been much positive comment by supporters and overall RA has helped us to re brand and to increasingly present ourselves as a modern and dynamic organisation .

I would recommend Revolution Arts to any organisation needing a rebranding or further development.”