by Philip Jamieson

Suitable for Grade 2

Stage directions

On stage there is a table with two chairs either side. Cai stands looking down at the pieces of broken china scattered over the floor. A tennis ball is amongst the pieces. We are to imagine that a window and a shelf are offstage left.



What am I going to do? Oh no! What am I going to do? (Picking up a piece of the shattered object and gasping with disbelief) This can’t be happening. It’s one of my auntie’s favourite pieces. She’s spent ages collecting the whole set and now I’ve ruined the entire collection. What on earth am I going to do? 

Cai picks up the tennis ball and looks at it, then gazes offstage left.

  I know! I can say someone was playing with this tennis ball outside. Suddenly, the ball whizzed through that open window and knocked it off the shelf. 

Glancing again at the ball and back to stage left, Cai realises a problem.

Hints & tips

  • This monologue is ideal for Grade 2 exams – but can also be used at other levels.
  • The character Cai can be male or female.
  • Place a table and two chairs on stage which you can use as you speak to your imaginary Aunt.
  • Plan out all your movements on the stage so it is really clear where things like the broken items and the door etc are.
  • You will need a tennis ball as a prop. Practise playing with it and bouncing it so you can use this as you speak.

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